Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Change the desktop "wallpaper" on your PC


When you are on the desktop, put your mouse on a blank area (just make sure you are not on an icon) – now RIGHT CLICK

  • At the bottom of the action list, the command you want to choose is “Properties”

  • Now the Display Properties Dialog Box will open, which has several tabs: Themes-Desktop-ScreenSaver etc..

  • Choose DESKTOP – and when this section opens, you can now change what is showing for the desktop wallpaper – there is a list of choices – NOTE: “none” which is at the top of the list is what we use to display the solid color MSN basic blue screen or

  • You can go to the BROWSE button which opens My Pictures and add a photo from your folder

  • Now you can now decide to have the picture "stretch" which covers the entire screen, such as you cat photo; or "center" which means the picture will be in the center will color around it, or "tiles" so that it takes the photo and replicates it many times.

  • When you are done, at the bottom of the dialog box choose APPLY and then OK and your desktop wallpaper is changed until you change it again...


When you are on the desktop, put your mouse on a blank area (just make sure you are not on an icon) – now RIGHT CLICK

  • At the bottom of the action list, the command you want to choose is “Personalize”

  • Now a list of choices will appear, once of which is Desktop Background

  • Click the picture or color you want for your desktop background

  • As with the directions for Windows XP users above, you can now choose either a picture from those supplied by Windows 7, or if you want to choose something else left click the Picture location down arrow to view other categories, or click Browse to search for the picture on your computer. When you find the picture you want, double-click it. It will become your desktop background and appear in the list of desktop backgrounds.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

What is Excel? And why would I use a spreadsheet?

Most of us understand that word processing software makes it much easier to create documents such as letters, forms, invitations, greeting cards and anything that contains text. Well – Excel does the same thing for us – making it easier to work lists, figures, numbers for list management, budget, statistics, data – anytime any type of calculation needs to be done. Although Excel spreadsheets/worksheets used to be used primarily for accounting and other analytical information where calculations needed to be made easily; but many of us find them a wonderful resource for list and other data management.

Like so many software application programs, Excel opens with a blank document – but in Excel that blank document is a blank worksheet, which is actually a grid of rows and columns.

In Excel, the rows of you spreadsheet/worksheet are serially numbered 1,2,3 .... and the columns are serially lettered A,B,C..... This numbering enables each space or cell to have its unique address; thus D15 represents the cell in the 4th column and the 15th row.

In Excel, using the ‘=’ sign, simple mathematical equations or formula can be used and sums, differences, products etc. calculated. Thus typing say, ‘=23+56’ in any cell will give the result of 79. The same work can be done by typing in the numbers 23 in cell A1, 56 in A2 and ‘=A1+A2’ in cell A3 and in fact what you have done is create a “formula”

Using a formula with cell references allows us to change the value in either cell A1 or A2 to get the revised result. This has significant advantages when using a complex formula or the same formula across multiple cells. The more recent your version of Excel, the easier it is to create and/or use formulas included in the software command list.

So many of the basic commands that we use all the time in Word Processing whether you use Microsoft Word Pad, Word or Word Perfect, such as Open, Save, Copy, Paste, Find, Replace Undo, Redo, Center, Left, Right etc.. are also available and work the same in Excel, Excel also offers a variety of basic commands that are designed to work with spreadsheets – whether you are managing a list of data or one with numbers and some of those are Paste Special, Filter, Sort, Wrap Text, Autofill, and Freeze panes.

And with the newer versions - Excel 2003, 2007 and 2010 - each new version adds more and more "templates" so that we don't have to recreate the wheel - so whether you are creating a budget for the holidays, a special event, your vacation or next years income & expenses - or various lists for managing data - there are hundreds of templates to choose from with the formulas already built in...

So whether you are trying to create a basic budget or want a way to quickly and easily maintain you all of your contact lists in one document – Excel is the answer.. So give it a try... it's easier than you think and can be used for so many things..

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Texting Lingo & Slang…

It’s only a short time ago (a few years) that none of us knew what “TEXTING” was, but we now hear it referred to all the time – on the radio, TV, newspapers, magazines – even billboards.
Texting from cell phones has created the need I guess for it's own “Texting Lingo” which allows anyone texting save time, energy and keystrokes with this new abbreviated language – problem is, many of us (and them) don’t know what it all means and the lists are growing every day… so here are just a few Texting Slang Expressions that you might see, but more importantly a new list of Texting Lingo a students just sent me for us “older adults” that I thought you’d enjoy and get a chuckle out of… and feel free to share these with your BFF’s…

Texting Slang:
Texting slang involves both symbols, and special abbreviations that mean certain things. Here some of the most popular texting slang symbols:

:) Smiley face / happy
=) Happy
:-) Happy
:( Sad
=( Sad
:' ) Happy Tears
:-* Kiss
:-D Laughing

Texting Lingo for Older Adults/Seniors:
And we are all aware that the younger generation is using lots of Texting Lingo (abbreviations) when they talk, text and email.. so why shouldn’t us “older adults” have some of our own - So here are some "texting lingo" terms created for us older adults/seniors and I want to thank Peg G. from New Brighton, MN for sending this to me to share with all of you:

ATD - At the Doctor's
BFF - Best Friends Funeral
BTW - Bring the Wheelchair
BYOT - Bring Your Own Teeth
CBM - Covered by Medicare
CUATSC - See You at the Senior Center
DWI - Driving While Incontinent
FWBB - Friend with Beta Blockers
FWIW - Forgot Where I Was
FYI - Found Your Insulin
GGPBL - Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low
GHA - Got Heartburn Again
HGBM - Had Good Bowel Movement
IMHO - Is My Hearing-Aid On?
LMDO - Laughing My Dentures Out
LOL - Living on Lipitor
LWO - Lawrence Welk's On
OAS - Older Adults-Seniors
OMMR - On My Massage Recliner
OMSG - Oh My! Sorry, Gas
ROFL..CGU - Rolling on the Floor Laughing...Can't get Up!
TOT - Texting on Toilet
TTYL - Talk to You Louder
WAITT - Who Am I Talking To?
WTFA - Wet the Furniture Again
WTP - Where're the Prunes
WWNO - Walker Wheels Need Oil

Hope these help!

GGLKI - Gotta Go, Laxative Kicking in!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Computer Classes Begin October 4th

Greetings everyone, On behalf of all the staff at Mohave Community College, we hope you have had a wonderful summer and are ready to hit the books (well the computers anyway) again… My computer classes will begin again on Tuesday, October 4th at Mohave Community College.

We have some great classes lined up from October until May (other than a short break for the Christmas holidays) to help you become more comfortable with your computer, digital camera, using social networks, such as facebook and blogging, using your printer and lots of different software so you can create letters, newsletters, greeting cards, spreadsheets, power point slide shows, even to create your own books with or without photos…and of course lots of tips for using your email or skyping family all over the world…

The following classes are being held in October and it’s easy to reserve your seat, Call Registration 928-855-7812 or 453-1139.. Consider signing up with a friend – coming to class with someone else gives you the motivation to practice and the more people in each class the more is learned from questions....

COMPUTERS FOR THE FUN OF IT LSC062-121: October 4 & 5, Tuesday & Wednesday mornings, 8:30-12:20pm - Two 4 Hour classes reviewing computer hardware, software, printing tips, keyboard shortcut tips, customizing desktop-changing backgrounds, create shortcuts, using quick launch bar, Start Menu, Task Bar, control panel & much more…

SOCIAL NETWORKING & BLOG BASICS LSC080-121 October 4 & 5, Tuesday & Wednesday afternoons, 1pm –4:50pm - Two 4 hour classes learning all about social networking & blogging, including “Facebook” “Twittering” etc.. Create a family or organization blog – learn how, why & when to post – comments; Set Up Your Own Blog; Templates; Add Ons: Links, Photos, Slide Shows, Blog Tools & more - it’s fun free & easy

INTERNET AND IT’S MANY USES LSC071-121: October 11 & 12, Tuesday & Wednesday morning, 8:30am-12:20pm Two 4 Hour classes designed to help you get totally comfortable with the Internet, tips & lingo, such as ISP, browser, blogger; when/why to use F5 & F11; website basics, hyperlinks, email basics, using “Google & Bing” to search web, images, news; translating to & from different languages; blogging

LIST AND DATA MANAGEMENT WITH EXCEL LSC069-121: October 11 & 12, Tuesday & Wednesday afternoons, 1pm-4:50pm, Two 4 hour classes-Learn to work with numbers & text (budget, contact lists for mail merges) Workbook vs. worksheet; cells, columns, rows, auto-formats; margins, grid lines, sorting numbers & data & print basics Bring an address book or contact list to class

DIGITAL CAMERA BASICS LSC100A-221: October 14 & 17, Friday & Monday mornings, October 14 & 17, 8:30am – 12:20pm, Two 4 hour classes-Intro to digital cameras; pixels, camera lingo, basic how to’s, move photo’s to your PC with memory card & memory card reader, organize photos on your PC using Windows Explorer; save photos to portable drives Bring your digital camera to class

HOW TO BUY & SELL ONLINE LSC101-121: October 18 & 19, Tuesday & Wednesday afternoons, 1pm-4:50pm, Two 4 hour classes-Buy and Sell on Line, find what you want; searching, making travel arrangements, general shopping tips, intro to online sales with sites such as eBay; eBid; craigslist & others: shortcuts, security

POWER POINT SLIDE SHOWS: LSC069D-121: October 25 & 26, Tuesday & Wednesday afternoons, 1pm – 3:40pm - Two 4 hr. classes Two 4 hour classes to create basic Slide Show presentation and enhance your presentation with text, photos & clip art, animation, transition & timing features

CREATE/PUBLISH YOUR OWN BOOK LSC100A-124: November 15 & 18, Tuesday & Friday afternoons, 1pm – 4:50pm, - Two 4 hour classes learning to create & publish your own book, using free book publishing software from known as personal book making & publishing-use your wp skills & digital photos and learn in quantities as small as just one. You decide: soft or hard cover, various sizes, all text, all photos or a combination of photos & text, story book or recipe book-we will also work with to create a book & greeting cards using your photos Bring photos to class (on camera or flash drive)

We will post new upcoming classes every few weeks, and remember you are welcome to check the college website at your convenience.. Anxious to see you all...

As always, there are lots of great happenings going on in Lake Havasu City, so be sure to check out the Lake Havau City Tourism website, which has been totally redone nad looks fabulous. Once ther check out the events tab and choose the month you are interested in..

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Apple iTunes, iPods, iPhone, iPads & Music...

So many students are now using various Apple devices – such as iPod, iPad, iPhone etc.. and the questions we receive are as varied as the devices themselves.

Bu the most popular question I receive is “how do I get music from my computer to my iPod, iPad, iPhone etc”…all of which use Apples iTunes…

Apple has a wonderful instructional site that answers every conceivable iTunes questions you might have – The site walks you through (in English) the various aspects of everything and anything you might want to do with these and other Apple devices… And trust me, it is easy…

So if you have created an iTunes library and/or you have one of the iPod, iPad, iPhone devices - visit this website. The website boasts “It will answer all your questions from burning CDs to watching HD TV, everything you always wanted to know about iTunes"

I would recommend that you save the website to your Favorites/Bookmarks or better yet, add it to your Favorite Bar, because I’m sure you’ll visit it often…

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tribute to the victims and families of 9/11

I want to thank Paula Abrahms from Schnectedy, NY for sending this to me and I hope you will join us today as we all remember all the families who lost children, parents, husbands, wives, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, associates, friends and personal heroes on that dreadful morning that we now refer to as 9/11. Cherie Houston

No doubt most of us remember that beautiful Tuesday morning, ten years ago today “September 11th, 2001” when in just moments, 2,996 people lost their lives that morning - 2,977 innocent victims and the 19 highjackers.

Yes 246 innocent victims were on the four planes, the two that struck the towers in New York, the one that struck the Pentagon and the 4th that went down in a field in Shanksville, PA; another 2,606 innocent victims in New York City who were in the towers or on the ground, and the 125 innocent victims at the Pentagon in Washington. Yes all the deaths that morning were innocent civilians except for 55 innocent military personnel who were killed in the attack on the Pentagon…

This morning please take a moment to remember these families who continue to live with the impact of that dreadful morning, so that they will continue to find the strength needed to continue moving forward on their life journey..

This day is remembered and quietly kept
I pray to God that we never forget,
Yes the blow was hard, the shock severe,
So many lost, so much fear amidst the tears

I pray its true they still live on in the hearts and minds,
Of the loving families, that they left behind
No longer here in our life to share,
But in our hearts – they are always there

Our love for them and theirs for us, can never go away,
I think they are with us every day
Unseen and unheard, but always near,
So loved, so missed, and so very dear.

Yes its hard for sure when we’re left behind
Trying to move forward, praying for some peace of mind
Time and faith and kinds words when spoken
Will help heal our hearts that were so badly broken

Good Lord Above
Please grant strength and peace
to all 9/11 moms and families

And take a moment to visit the website dedicated to the 911 Memorial being dedicated today in New York City, NY in memory of all who lost their lives...

Friday, September 9, 2011

GPS & tips when using one - Part 2 of 2

Whats The Difference Between A Typical Gps Unit Or Using The Gps Navigation On A Smartphone?…

Let’s Talk Cost First….

  • A Typical GPS unit for your car and/or boat will range from $120 - $250 and remember, most GPS’s require you to pay extra for annual software/map updates ranging in cost for this an annual free of $70-$90/per year/upgrade.

  • Smartphones typically cost $149-$299 with a two year contract, plus an average of $30 per month for a data plan, and turn by turn navigation apps rane in [rice from free to $99, byt smartphone navigation aoos don’t carry annual map update fees…

What About The Types Of Maps On A GPS Vs. A Navigation App On A Smartphone

  • As we mentnioned with a typical GPS you have to be sure you periodically update the mapping software, so that you have the most current maps..

  • Smartphone map and points of interest databases “apps” are either downloaded initially with the purchase of the app (like with TomTom for the iPhone or you can download them on the fly a they say, per MotionX GPS drive or antoher app…

  • When you downloard maps on the fly, you will always have the latest version. But you might be without a map if you are ni a remove area and out of cell phone tower range, such as when youa re cmaping or hiking…

Sunday, September 4, 2011

What is a GPS & tips when using one - Part 1 of 2

GPS - stands for Global Positioning System

If you aren't familiar with these great little devices, a GPS is a space age navigational system that can pinpoint where you are anywhere in the world very accurately within a few yards or meters for our Canadian students. They will work day or night using a constellation of 24 satellites in precise orbits approximately 11,000 miles above the earth and the satellites transmit data via high frequency radio waves back to Earth in all weather conditions on land, on water and even in the air.

Although you don’t need one they are great to have if you are boating, driving, camping, hiking, 4 wheeling and anywhere on the move…

Top Sellers are the Basic Garmin, TomTom and the Garmin Magellan

Although they are great, when you are using a GPS a few helpful things to remember:

  • Once you input your route, review it to be sure it makes sense to you

  • You may not want to use the smaller recommended roads where services might not be readily available especially in new areas that you aren’t familiar with

  • Your GPS should be a helpful tool, but always take and review a new updated street, topographic or marine map

  • Don’t let the GPS distract you – don’t program it while driving; don’t pay more attention to the GPS unit than the road and never neglect your line of sight while following the directions from the GPS unit

  • Pay attention before making turns when the GPS tells you to turn or take an exit, remember the GPS has no idea if its safe to do so at that moment… Some drivers might panic when thеу gеt thе instructions and aren’t able to take the turn or exit..

  • Remember if you miss a turn or exit, thе GPS will recalculate аnd gеt you back οn track.

  • Mοѕt GPS devices offer multiple routes tο a destination, ѕο Ñ–f you don’t lÑ–kе or agree with thе proposed route, then choose another way with the help of a map….

  • Don’t check your common sense at the door (or the dock) just because you are using a GPS device…

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Apologies for no posts this week

Just a quick note to apologize for not having made any posts this week - but thanks to an unwelcome "guest" I haven't had any power, Internet or telephone since quite early Sunday morning when Hurricane Irene decided to visit the east coast and her winds and heavy rains introduced themselves to all of us in the wee hours..... Fortunately by the time she actually landed in Massachusetts she was just a Level I/tropical storm, but the damage has been incredible - trees and power lines down everywhere, but thankfully the loss of life could have been considerably worse.. so for that we are all very blessed and grateful...

Fortunately, our power was restored this morning and we now have Internet.... So within the next few days I'll be back in full swing and posts will be posted again every few days....

As always, if you have any specific topic or question you'd like addressed - just send me an email... the more questions or requests the better - that's how we all get to learn from each other.

In the meantime, let's hope that the next storm "Katia" which is brewing in the Atlantic Ocean will decide to take a stroll out to sea...

Enjoy your evening and I look forward to hearing from all of you ~ Cherie Houston