Thursday, June 10, 2010

What do the tags mean on websites .com, .net .org

When the world wide web was launched in 1989 the .com and .net extensions at the end of a website were used to help categorize the several hundred websites available at that time - .com meant a commercial website and .net meant telecommunication.. Now there are a growing number of “extensions” and this list will continue to grow as does the number of websites… here are just a few extensions you might recognize…

.arts - Cultural groups
.biz - Used by small business
.com - Commercial
.edu - Educational
.firm - Firms and businesses
.gov - Government
.info - Informational services
.int - International
.mil - Military
.mus - Museums
.name - Individual/personal names
.net - Telecommunication Co’s
.nom - Personal websites
.org - Non-profit Organization
.store - Businesses offering goods
.tv - Entertainment industry
.web - Entities w/ties to the web

Because of the growing use of names/websites, more "tags" are being added and in addition to the standard tags (.com; .net) you’ll begin seeing two (2) letter tags, such as .au, .uk, .de and .jp which relate to a countries & geographic locations - au = Australia; uk=United Kingdom, etc...

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