Tuesday, April 23, 2013

How to "unhide" someone in your Facebook?

Unhide stories from a person, Page, group, event or app
We've all "hidden" someone, or a page, or a group, or an event or an app - from what we see on our home/wall page both intentionally and unintentionally...

When you want to "unhide" someone, it's easy to remedy:  
  • On your home/wall page, hover over news feed in the left sidebar menu.
  • Click the penciicon (which means edit) that appears to the left in that section.
  • A list of people, apps, Pages, and groups you’ve hidden or unsubscribed from will appear in a pop-up box.
  • Click the X next to each one you'd like to remove from this list.
  • Click Save

Friday, April 19, 2013

How much space/room is left on any drive or folder?

Check your Computer Properties (determine how much space is used/ open) To determine how much space is used – unused on a computer (C Drive), or on a flash drive, portable hard drive or memory card, or in a specific folder –such a My Documents or My Pictures?
  •  Open Windows Explorer – (Quick Access: Windows Flag Key + E) which is a 2 sided screen – whatever is highlighted on the left is what you are looking at on the right..…
  • Hover your mouse over the Drive or specific folder you want to check
  • When you do this, Right Click on the Drive or folder
  • When the action list appears – find PROPERTIES at the bottom of the list
  • Now Left Click on Properties

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Please keep those impacted by the tragic events in Boston in your prayers...

As soon as I heard the news yesterday about yesterdays events in Boston, which is the area where my husband Dan and I are from - and our children, grandchildren, extended family and many friends still live, our hearts sank - how tragic and unimaginable... Because we are still here in Arizona, we immediately began to check in with family and friends, and thankfully all are safe..

I have no doubt that you will all join me in keeping those impacted by this senseless act in your thoughts and prayers...

For so many of you who emailed me since the tragedy in Boston, you'll never know how much I was touched by your concern and well wishes - I feel so blessed to have become part of your lives and know how truly grateful I am for the way in which you reached out... 

We just never know what's ahead each morning when we wake, and despite the trivial issues that may arise throughout the day, it's so important that we learn not to "sweat the small stuff" and tell those who are important to us, just how much we love them...    Love to all and be safe ... Cherie Houston

Monday, April 15, 2013

Greetings from MCC Hodel Library

Greetings from the Hodel Library on the Lake Havasu Campus of Mohave Community College!  The weather is beginning to turn warm and lovely, so it’s a perfect time to take your reading outside. 

Come to the Library and check out a Danielle Steel or a Jonathan Kellerman to read on the patio.  If you are getting ready to head north, remember that you can still use the Library’s online databases from wherever you are. 

Through our website, Mohave.edu/library , you have access to fantastic databases such as Heritage Quest, Consumer Health Complete, the Hobbies and Crafts Reference Center and more.  You can also use our databases to look at articles from journals such as Consumer Reports, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, PC World, U.S. News and World Reports, etc. 

The best part – it’s all FREE!  Please give us a call at 928-505-3311 to ask for more information or you can email me at wbirkhead@mohave.edu

Wendi Birkhead, Campus Librarian
Hodel Library
Mohave Community College
1977 Acoma Blvd. West
Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Common Digital Photo Image Types: jpeg, raw etc..

JPEG - RAW-GIFT-BMP -etc - what's the difference??

They are all "Digital Photo Image Files" the sizes for which are based on the number of pixels in an image and the color depth, or bits per pixel, of that image and images can be compressed in various ways, which are determined by their "image type"

JPEG or JPG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is the most common Digital Photo Image type that we use.  It's the most common type accepted by 3rd party software programs like Walgreens, Shutterfly, MovieMaker and when uploading to the "clouds"...This is because JPEG's are much smaller than other image files types and ideal for storing images.. Because they are known for accurate color representation they are an ideal format for photographs - but each time a JPEG is saved, the quality becomes degraded
RAW is a raw image format that some of the better more sophisticated digital cameras use.  RAW format typically requires special software for editing.  RAW image format is used primarily for editing because it gives users complete access to the data the camera sees before any effects are applied.
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is used for animations and for storing images with low colors because it's limited to using 256 colors but can be saved repeatedly with no loss, which is why it works well for cartoon-based images.
BMP's are Windows bitmap image files and also work with limited colors, and is an image file format originally used in Windows-based applications.
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) is used most often for sending logos and other images to a printer for reproduction, so widely used by photographers and we often see this format when we are using scanner for photos
PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is the newer version of "GIF" with many of the same features, except PNG supports 16 million colors vs. only the 256 colors of GIF

JPEG or RAW... Which should you choose

Basically, Raw is the unprocessed information straight off the camera's sensor without any processing for sharpness, white balance, color or contrast.

But when cameras take a jpeg image, it takes the info from the camera's sensor and processes it inside your camera with specialized chips to make a final jpeg file.

When you take a "raw photo" you will have to convert it yourself, essentially substituting your own computer and photo conversion software for the specialized chips built into the camera, which will give you more control over how the image ends up--sharper, softer, more contrast, less contrast, white balance, etc.  But the drawbacks to Raw are that you will have to  take the time to convert your digital photo images and the most important drawback is that you can't share raw files as easily as jpeg files, because not everyone has a converter for the raw format

Now that you understand them a little more, for those of you using Picasa Free Photo Editing Software you can modify which types of Photo Image Types your Picasa will Scan/See - When you are in Picasa go to Tools (on Picasa Menu Bar) and choose "Configure Photo Viewer" and when the list appears - Check off which types of digital photos you want Picasa to Scan/See..

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Which Folders And/Or Sub-Folders Will Your Picasa Scan/See…

It is your choice and you can change your mind whenever you'd like as to which folder and or sub-folder it will scan...  

Maybe when you began using Picasa you thought you had to have Picasa Scan/See all your photos - Now you only want Picasa to Scan/see specific folders or sub-folders you want to work on - Then simply change those folders in Picasa's Folder Manager..

Each time Picasa is opened, Picasa will scan the computer to find the folders or sub-folders you have chosen (and photos with the compatible photo file types you choose) and display only the photos in those specific folders or sub-folders.

Photos never move to Picasa, the original photos stay in their original folder locations.

To modify which folders or sub-folders Picasa is Scanning/Seeing from your hard drive or Portable Hard Drives/memory Card or Flash Drives - use these steps once you are in Picasa:

1.    Click the Tools menu in Picasa.
2.    Select Folder Manager.
3.    Select a folder from the folder list on the left that you want to add or remove from Picasa's watch list.
4.    Select one of the following monitoring options on the right:
·       “Scan Always”: Picasa views all compatible image types in these folders, and it automatically adds new photos. Picasa actively scans this folder for changes.
·       “Scan Once”: Picasa accesses all compatible image types in these folders only once. It doesn't detect new photos added to folders with this setting.
·       “Remove from Picasa': Picasa doesn't look in folders that are marked with this status.
5.    Click the OK button to save your changes.

The folders that you've set Picasa to continuously scan are listed in the 'Watched Folders' section.

You can also set a folder to 'Remove from Picasa' by right-clicking (Windows) or Control-clicking (Mac) the folder in Picasa and selecting “Remove from Picasa.”

Remember-you can always change your mind tomorrow on what you've set this setting to by simply repeating the steps and changing your choices... 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

What do the "Function Keys" Do on a Keyboard?

Function Keys are those marked F1 - F12 Keys located across the top of most keyboards.  The following is a "generic" list of the commands those keys will do:

Brings up the help screen

Renames any file or folder that you have highlighted

To search for a file or folder

Display the address bar list in Windows Explorer

Refresh the active window

Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop

Doesn’t have any function in Windows, but will work for various commands in different application software programs

This key is normally used to access Safe Mode (a trouble shooting mode that starts the computer with as few drivers as possible) when it is pressed during the computer’s boot up process.

Doesn’t have any function in Windows, but will work for various commands in different application software programs

Activate the menu bar in the active program

This is a toggle key which allows you to go to Full Screen Mode on the Internet when using Browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Chrome & Firefox

Doesn’t have any function in Windows, but will work for various commands in different application software programs

On some keyboards, including laptops and portable devices – the Function Keys will have “icons” on them – depending on the manufacturer, you will have to use your Fn key to activate either the Function Key or the Icon commands

Portable computers have Fn keys (because for their overall fewer numbers of keys).  In some cases the Fn key is a different style or color, so that corresponding other keys on the keyboard in that same color or style require you to use the Fn key to activate that specific command

Monday, April 1, 2013

Colorado River Computer Club Meeting-Tuesday, April 2nd-6pm

We wanted to remind all of you in Lake Havasu City and surrounding communities that the Colorado River Computer Club meets at 7:00 pm on the first Tuesday of every month in Community Room B of the Mohave County Library in Lake Havasu City, AZ.

The New Users Group meets at 6:00 pm with a presentation for people new to computers.  

This Computer Club is a non-profit organization established to aid members in achieving better results from their computers. It is not connected with any commercial or private business.  Each month there is a guest speaker and you will have an opportunity to ask questions...

This month, April 2nd, Cherie Houston from Mohave Community College will be speaking about Social Media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Blogging (handouts will be available)

For more information, visit their website: http://crccaz.com/- , which we have listed on the left column of our blog under "Student Favorites" for future reference...