Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Printing Options-What to print

When you are in any of the office types of software programs (Word, Excel, Power Point etc), the quickest way to print what you are working on is to use the Printer Icon on your toolbar, BUT when you do this, you will print the entire document, spreadsheet or presentation.

Often we want to print just a paragraph/selection, or just the current page, slide or worksheet we are working on – or possibly several different pages or slides, such as page 2, 7-11, and 27.. You can do either of these very easily – you control what is going to be printed…

To control what you are printing when your work is open:
Go to the Menu Bar > File > Print OR in the newer versions of Office (2007, 2010) open the Office Button > Print
The Print Dialog Box opens > In the bottom left side, you can now choose:

  • All
  • Current Page
  • Pages
  • Selection (this is only a choice when you have highlighted something such as a paragraph)

On the right side, you can choose:

  • Whether you want it collated or not
  • How many copies
  • In Word, you can choose how many pages you want printed on a page

Saturday, June 26, 2010

What is a ZIP file?

.Zip file format is the standard method for "compressing" files on a computer - it allows us to condense large groups of files into one smaller file. If and when someone sends you a "compressed or zipped file" you will need to decompress or "unzip" the files. The most popular Zip program is "winzip" and you can download a free trial version from "" or other free programs from many other shareware sites (such as or or

You can also "unzip" a file from Windows Explorer:
  • Open Windows Explorer (using the Flag Key + E is the easiest way)
  • Now Right click on the folder you are attempting to "unzip"
  • Select "Extract to"
  • Now choose the folder you want WinZip to decompress the files to.
  • Make sure the "Use folder names" box is checked so any specified folders are recreated.
  • If the box is left blank, all the different files will be unzipped into the single selected folder

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Folders vs. Files – What’s the Difference?

When you are "saving/filing" items on your computer - it is helpful to know the difference between a file and/or a folder... sounds obvious - but to many this is confusing...

FILES – are each individual item on your computer that has a name – so if you take 5 photos, your camera will give them each a name – that “name” is a file – all file names end with an extension that tell us and the computer what the file is most photo’s will end in .jpg or maybe .bmp, .gif, .png, .tif etc.. If you have a music CD you want to copy/download to the computer, and that one CD has 12 music tracks – then there will be 12 different file names – music/audio file extensions might be .mp3, .wav, .wma

FOLDERS – symbolized with a manila folder – are the places where we store/file things of a like nature – PC’s are shipped with common folders - With Windows 98 and XP Operating Systems, the common folder names are: “My Documents”; “My Pictures”, “My Music”, “My Videos”, “My Scans”; in newer Windows Operating Systems, Vista & Windows 7, the word “My” has been dropped in your filing libraries

You can create as many folders, sub-folders, sub-sub folders, etc. as you would like. When you create a new folder - remember that whatever folder is highlighted in Windows Explorer or in the Filing Name Drop Down Box - that becomes the "Parent" to your new folder and therefore your new folder can & will be found "inside" that highlighted folder...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Anyone can be a father,
But it takes someone special to be a DAD
So for all our special dads & grand-dads – here’s to you..
Happy Fathers Day and thank you for being such a wonderful dad

When I was just a tiny kid,
Do you remember when,
The time you kissed my bruises,
Or cleaned by soiled chin?

You scrambled for the balls I hit,
(Short-winded more than not,)
Yet, every time we'd play a game,
You praised the "outs" I caught.

It seems like only yesterday,
You wiped away my tears,
And late at night I called your name,
To chase away my fears.

Though time has changed your handsome grip,
Your hair is snowy white,
You gait's a little slower now,
Thick glasses help your sight.

Oh, do I thirst for years gone by,
To be that growing lad,
Re-living all of the memories,
Of growing with my dad.

…Author Unknown

Grandfathers Are Fathers Who Are Grand
Grandfathers are fathers who are grand,
Restoring the sense that our most precious things
Are those that do not change much over time.
No love of childhood is more sublime,
Demanding little, giving on demand,
Far more inclined than most to grant the wings
Allowing us to reach enchanted lands.
Though grandfathers must serve as second fathers,
Helping out with young and restless hearts,
Each has all the patience wisdom brings,
Remembering our passions more than others,
Soothing us with old and well-honed arts.

…Author Unknown

Friday, June 18, 2010


The first two options we reviewed in Part 1, are for quick-easy printing directly from the internet. But, many times we want to be able to change/enlarge the Print style or size of what we are printing from the Internet to make it easier to read, especially with articles, directions, and other important information. So that is when this option works well…

Option 3:

  • “Highlight” the portion of the Internet item you want to print & change (to copy to Word)
  • Be sure pointer is on what’s highlighted then "Right click" on what you have highlighted and an action menu appears - choose/left click on "copy"
  • Minimize email/internet; Open Word, NotePad, Works, whatever WP program you use
  • Right click again (be sure pointer is on the blank page Word, etc), Left click "paste"
  • Now in Word, NotePad or Works, make your print/font style, size changes
  • To print, either left click on the printer icon on the toolbar OR
  • Left click on "file" on the toolbar, then left click on "print"
  • Left click “selection or current page" in page range section & "number of copies you want"
  • Left click "OK" and it will now print with all your changes
To Save what you have now worked on, left click on "File", then "Save As", then be sure you are in "C" Drive, then "My Documents" or find your Flash Drive/Memory Stick and choose that - then choose the folder you want to put it in and left click on Save

TIP: try not to use the printer icon on your internet toolbar, because when you print using this ICON, you will print everything on your monitor including the ads, etc..

Monday, June 14, 2010


When you are reading something on the “Internet” - your email, a newspaper article or something else on a website, you may want to print it for someone else or for your own future reference. There are a few options on how you can do this quickly & easily...


  • Almost all email and other media websites today show a “Print” icon or “Print view” – formerly known as Printer Friendly Version) usually at the top or sometimes at the bottom of what we are reading.
  • When you click on this Print icon, the website will copy what you have chosen, but eliminates almost all unnecessary info/ads from the page so that you only print the article or email – saves a lot of ink and paper.
  • Now the print dialog box will appear, choose/left click "selection" in page range section (one of the "print range" choices)
  • Then left click "number of copies you want"
  • Then left click "OK" and what you have chosen prints without all the unnecessary ads etc.


  • Another option is to “Highlight” just the portion of the email/article that you want to print
  • Left click on "file" on the toolbar, then left click on "print"
  • The print dialog box will appear, choose/left click "selection" in page range section (one of the "print range" choices)
  • Then left click "number of copies you want"
  • Then left click "OK" and "what you highlighted" will now print

TIP: try not to use the printer icon on your Internet toolbar, because when you print using this ICON, you will print everything on your monitor including the ads, etc..

Thursday, June 10, 2010

What do the tags mean on websites .com, .net .org

When the world wide web was launched in 1989 the .com and .net extensions at the end of a website were used to help categorize the several hundred websites available at that time - .com meant a commercial website and .net meant telecommunication.. Now there are a growing number of “extensions” and this list will continue to grow as does the number of websites… here are just a few extensions you might recognize…

.arts - Cultural groups
.biz - Used by small business
.com - Commercial
.edu - Educational
.firm - Firms and businesses
.gov - Government
.info - Informational services
.int - International
.mil - Military
.mus - Museums
.name - Individual/personal names
.net - Telecommunication Co’s
.nom - Personal websites
.org - Non-profit Organization
.store - Businesses offering goods
.tv - Entertainment industry
.web - Entities w/ties to the web

Because of the growing use of names/websites, more "tags" are being added and in addition to the standard tags (.com; .net) you’ll begin seeing two (2) letter tags, such as .au, .uk, .de and .jp which relate to a countries & geographic locations - au = Australia; uk=United Kingdom, etc...

Monday, June 7, 2010

What is a PDF document???

PDF: Short for Portable Document Format, a file format developed by Adobe Systems. PDF captures formatting information from a variety of software application programs – including Microsoft Word & Excel, Word Perfect and others, so that it is possible to send formatted documents and have them appear on the recipient's monitor or printer as they were intended. So they are welcome to open, read, save & print the documents – but they cannot change them.. When you and I visit websites, such as the registry of motor vehicles, IRS, medical, insurance and other such websites, forms we download are often done in PDF format so that we can view them, save them, print them as we need them – we just couldn’t modify them or change any information on them. In order to view them however, we need to have the Adobe Reader, which is a free application distributed by Adobe Systems

To download the latest version of Adobe Reader go to this website:

Friday, June 4, 2010

What is a Firewall??

A firewall is a system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network. Firewalls can be implemented in both hardware and software, or a combination of both.
Firewalls are frequently used to prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing private networks connected to the Internet, especially intranets.
All messages entering or leaving the intranet pass through the firewall, which examines each message and blocks those that do not meet the specified security criteria.
Many anti-virus programs contain firewalls which you can turn on or off when you want to download authorized new programs
Your Internet provider has numerous firewalls and other security precautions to protect them and all of us when we are using their Internet services

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


KEYBOARD enables you to communicate with the computer by typing information and instructions into the computer (the type of keyboard we use are used for computers and cell phones as “QWERTY STYLE).

A NUMBERIC KEYPAD is located at the right of the keyboard. It is used like a 10-key calculator.

The top row of keys are FUNCTION KEYS. They perform specific tasks in software applications – such as F5 refreshes your screen when you are on the internet; F11 gives you a full screen for more viewing area.

ESC. or “ESCAPE” on the top left of your keyboard allows you to stop a task at anytime.

The CTRL or “CONTROL” keys are on the bottom left and right corners of your keyboard. They are used with other keys to complete commands.

The ENTER key is on the center row, right side of your keyboard. Use enter to move your cursor down a line.

The BACKSPACE key is on the right end of the row of number keys on your keyboard. Pressing the backspace key moves your cursor one space to the left, and eliminates any typing as it moves.

The 4 ARROW KEYS - up, down, left and right keys on the keyboard allow you to move around your document without destroying your work.
Up = one line;
Down = one line;
Left = one character or letter;
Right = one character or letter

The DELETE key will eliminate any typing to the right of the blinking cursor.

The PAGE UP & PAGE DOWN keys allow you to move up and down on a page of your document quickly.

The HOME key takes you to the beginning of your current line of type.

The END key takes you to the end of your current line of type.

The HOME key with the CTRL key, takes you to the very beginning of your document.

The END key with the CTRL key, takes you to the end of your document quickly.