Voice recognition Software has come along way and with every new edition improvements are made, but remember that using Voice Recognition software is very different from speaking to real people, when they can usually understand you from the context and environment even if you whisper, shout, or talk quickly or slowly.
According to “How Stuff Works.com” website, Voice Recognition Software understands words better when you speak in a predictable manner and also recommends:
- Speak in a consistent, level tone. If you speak too loudly or too softly, the computer may not recognize what you said
- Use a consistent rate without speeding up and slowing down
- Speak without pausing between words; a phrase is easier for the computer to interpret than just one word. For example, the computer has a hard time understanding phrases such as "This (pause) is (pause) another (pause) example (pause) sentence."
- Start by working in a quiet environment so that the computer hears you instead of the sounds around you, and use a good quality microphone. Keep the microphone in the same position; try not to move it around after it is adjusted
- Train your computer to recognize your voice by reading aloud the prepared training text in the Voice Training Wizard. Additional training increases speech recognition accuracy
- As you dictate, do not be concerned if you do not immediately see your words on the screen. Continue speaking and pause at the end of your thought. The computer displays the recognized text after it finishes processing your voice
- Pronounce words clearly, but don’t separate each syllable in a word. For example, if you sound out each syllable in "ex-am-ple” which will cause the computer to not recognize what you said