Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Helpful Travel Tips

Just a few helpful travel tips .

BOOK AIRLINE TRAVEL from 12:01AM WEDNESDAY MORNING (Eastern Standard Time) on; all new fares are announced/posted at midnight Tuesday evening for the next week

SIGN-UP FOR ALL E-MAIL NOTICES of special prices from low cost airlines that serve your city or target destination (or are near-by).   Examples include: Kayak's FareAlert, Southwest Ding! Fares, Southwest Click 'n Save fares, AirTran, Frontier, JetBlue, Spirit Airline Red Light fares.  The low cost airlines' special fares are much less restrictive than the high cost carriers' week-end specials.  You can get a weekly summary of many of the airlines weekend specials at 

LAST MINUTE TRAVEL – Are you retired, a student off for the summer or can take time off from your job on short notice – then register with various “last minute travel sites” who offer incredible deals for short 3 or 4 days vacations to even longer 14-21 vacation land and or cruise packages – Why??  Arrangements are made & once that ship sails or hotel night passes the revenues can’t be made up, so they’d rather sell the package cheap, knowing you’ll spend money on liquor, side trips, gambling & other amenities…  Some incredible deals if you can leave on a few days notice

CONFIRM ARRANGEMENTS. If transportation and hotel are included in the travel package, ask how to contact those companies and confirm with them directly that the reservations have been made.  Always be sure to print off confirmations and keep a print copy with your folder or send yourself an email with the info..(with being able to sync phones & emails & claendars today it's easier than ever to access this info)

EMAIL YOURSELF ALL PERTINENT INFO: Send yourself an email including all airline info; hotel & car rental info & confirmation #'s an rates quoted; list of credit cards you are taking and their pertinent info - #'s, type, exp date, sc code, bank tele #'s; list of all your medications & dosages; doctors names etc... Today no matter where you go you will find a computer so that you can access this data in a pinch..

If you have a suggestion that might be helpful to others when they are travelling, we'd love to hear it...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What is an Android????

According to Wikipedia, "Android is a Linux-based operating system designed primarily for touch screen mobile devices such as Smartphone's and tablet computers. Initially developed by Android, Inc., which Google backed financially and later purchased in 2005, Android was unveiled in 2007 along with the founding of the Open Handset Alliance: a consortium of hardware, software, and telecommunication companies devoted to advancing open standards for mobile devices. The first Android-powered phone was sold in October 2008.

Android is open source and Google releases the code under the Apache License. This open source code and permissive licensing allows the software to be freely modified and distributed by device manufacturers, wireless carriers and enthusiast developers. Additionally, Android has a large community of developers writing applications ("apps") that extend the functionality of devices, written primarily in a customized version of the Java programming language. In October 2012, there were approximately 700,000 apps available for Android, and the estimated number of applications downloaded from Google Play, Android's primary app store, was 25 billion.

These factors have allowed Android to become the world's most widely used smartphone platform and the software of choice for technology companies who require a low-cost, customizable, lightweight operating system for high tech devices without developing one from scratch. As a result, despite being primarily designed for phones and tablets, it has seen additional applications on televisions, games consoles and other electronics. Android's open nature has further encouraged a large community of developers and enthusiasts to use the open source code as a foundation for community-driven projects, which add new features for advanced users or bring Android to devices which were officially released running other operating systems."

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Greetings from the MCC Hodel Libary

Hi All! My name is Wendi Birkhead and I am the Campus Librarian of the Hodel Library on the Lake Havasu Campus of Mohave Community College. I want to invite you to visit us and find out about all the wonderful books, DVDs, audiobooks, and electronic materials we have to offer. 

Many people don’t realize that we are open to everyone – students and non-students, alike – and anyone can get a library card for free. Let me fill you in on some great things that we are presenting in January and February: 
  • On Friday, January 25th , the campus will have Marshall Shore (“Arizona’s Hip Historian”) presenting “A Historical Trip Down Route 66.” John Steinbeck called Route 66 the “mother road” and that name endures today. Arizona has the longest stretch of Route 66 that is still in use. This iconic route is a timeline dotted with towns rich with history and tradition. Come learn about Arizona’s Route 66 and discuss its role in John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath. This free presentation will be held in Building 600 at 4:00 pm. 

  • We will have a book discussion of The Grapes of Wrath in our campus Library on Wednesday, February 13th at 2:00 pm. Come by the Library for a free copy of the book. 

  • I will present a series of classes during Spring Frenzy that will show you some tricks and tips of using the Library’s free online databases. Learn how to access magazines like Consumer Reports, Kiplinger’s, PC World, and more (for free!). 

Please give us a call at 928-453-5809 to ask for more information. You can also come by and visit with us in person at Mohave Community College, 1977 Acoma Blvd. West (we’re located toward the back of the campus, not far from the 500 Computer Building).

We look forward to talking with you.

Wendi Birkhead, MLS, Campus Librarian and Library Coordinator
Hodel Library – Lake Havasu City Campus
Mohave Community College
1977 Acoma Blvd. West-Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403
Tel 928-505-3311; Cell 928-846-7021
Fax 928-453-8335
Toll Free: 1-866-664-2832

Monday, January 7, 2013

12th Annual Spring Frenzy Reminder

Just a reminder that the 12th Annual Lake Havasu City Spring Frenzy is February 4th thru 8th, 2013 and registrations begin today, Monday-February 7th, at the Aquatic Center-so be sure to stop by...
For those of you who haven't experienced Spring Frenzy, it is a fun-filled week of activities and classes designed not only for fun, but for improving your quality of life as well.
This year Lake Havasu City Parks & Recreation is offering 192 classes featuring 14 special activities including fishing, golfing, field trip to the Bluewater Casino and to Stagecoach Trails. Happy Hour will be happening every day Monday-Thursday from 4 -  6 p.m. and on Friday is a concert.
MCC is again donating classrooms at campus so that Wendi Birkhead can introduce everyone to the services of our wonderful campus library and Cassaundra Pham and I will be doing a wide variety of one (1) hour introductions to many of our computer classes including how to use:
  • Your Computer, Laptop, Table, eReader, iPad, iPod, iPhone, MacBook & Digital Camera
  • How to use Picasa for digital photo editing; Word to create documents, tables & mail merges, Excel for spreadsheets and list managment; Movie Maker to create movies with your digital photos and other application programs;
  • How to find & organizde what's on your PC;
  • How to use Skype to make free phone calls worldwide; 
  • How to save & make money by safely shopping & selling on line;
  • How to use Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & other social networking sites and many more... 
So if you are thinking about taking a class at MCC, this is a great way to "test the waters"...
All classes and events fill up quickly, so be sure to stop by the Aquatic Center, right off Rt. 95 at 100 Park Avenue.
Price: $4 each class or $30 for the week...
So join in the fun.....

Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you and your family and we hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.  For those of our readers who will be travelling to Lake Havasu - safe travels...

I want to apologize for the lack of postings the last several weeks - in addition to the normal hustle and bustle of the holidays, I had some major back issues and while I was back in Boston for the holidays, had no choice but to give in and have a necessary medical procedure on my back, so much to my dismay, I was unable to spend anytime on the computer (not an easy task for me) as most of you can imagine.....

But I'm pleased to say that I am finally feeling better and look forward to getting back to blogging and teaching...

Speaking of teaching we are offering lots of great classes - including some new and modified classes (in red) for those of you with laptops, tablets, eReaders, smartphones, iPads, iPhones, MacBooks and those wanting to better understand facebook, twitter and other forms of social networking...

We are continuing classes to help you find & organize what's on your pc, using Word - Excel - PowerPoint - email - your digital cameras, editing photos, creating great things with your digital photos including wonderful coffee table books & other gift ideas and movies, getting more comfortable buying and selling online-whether it's making travel arrangements, renting a vacation home or selling those things you've been accumulating in the attic and many other great topics... We continue to update these classes to reflect new changes made in software - such as those changes in Office 2007 & 2010 (vs. Office 2000, 2003, XP etc) and discuss the differences in our classes & handouts; we are also addressing the changes in operating systems such as Windows 7 and the new Windows 8, and hope to add a Windows 8 class in February... so our goal is to help give you the information you need to stay current as this technology continues to change and we encourage your feedback as to what topics you would like us to be teaching.....

In addition to our computer classes, MCC offers many other great classes in a wide variety of fun & interesting subjects - from genealogy, health, many types of dance, fitness, ceramics, painting and many more...Visit our website:; visit our campus at 1971 Acoma Blvd in Lake Havasu and when you do stop by and visit our wonderful Hodel Library on campus and get a library card or use our computers there, all of which are open to the public; or call MCC for more information.. So sign up today and bring a friend along - Call Registration 928-855-7812

If you are thinking about taking a class - please register.. Last fall we truly regretted disappointing students who showed up for classes, thinking they'd register after the class, only to learn the class was postponed due to low enrollment.. So try to register, and if something comes up and you can't attend we can move your class or refund the monies.

My classes begin next week - we are in Classroom #507 in the computer building and my classes will continue thru April - Complete schedules are available at our MCC campus or online or email me..this is a list of my classes the next two weeks...

Great news for those of you with "i" devices from Apple Mac, we have a wonderful new addition to our team, Cassaundra Pham who will be teaching several 8 hour classes a month dedicated to iPads, iPhones and MacBooks, so I'm listing her class info as well....

As always don't hesitate to email me if you have any questions or suggestions about class topics you'd like to see us teaching - We look forward to seeing you soon.....

FIND/ORGANIZE WHAT’S ON YOUR PC ~ LSC 062-124, 8:30am-12:20pm, Tues & Wed, Jan 8 & 9 

LIST AND DATA MANAGEMENT WITH EXCEL ~ LSC 069-121, 1pm-4:50pm, Wed & Thurs, Jan 9 & 10 - Bring an address book or contact list to class

HOW TO SKYPE OR GOOGLE VOICE  ~ LSC100-122, 8:30am-12:20pm, Thursday, Jan 10 

Computers FOR THE FUN OF IT  ~ LSC 062-121, 8:30am-12:20pm, Fri & Mon, Jan 11 & 14 

DIGITAL CAMERA BASICS ~ LSC 100A-121, 1pm-4:50pm, Fri & Mon, Jan 11 & 14  Bring your digital camera to class

LAPTOP, TABLET & eReADER BASICS ~ LSC 102-121, 8:30-12:20pm, Tues & Thurs, Jan 15 & 17 Bring your laptop, tablet, eReaders if you have one

WORD-CREATe GREAT LOOKING DOCUMENTS ~ LSC 068-121, 1pm-4:50pm, Tues & Wed, Jan 15 & 16 - 

PICASA PHOTO EDITING ~ LSC 081- 121: 8:30am-12:20pm, Wed & Fri, Jan 16, 18 & 25  Bring your digital camera to class

SOCIAL NETWORKs: fACEBOOK, tWITTER & bLOGGING ~ LSC 080-121, 1pm-4:50pm, Thurs & Fri, Jan 17, 18 & 25 

internet and it’s many uses ~ LSC 071-121,  8:30am-12:20pm, Tues & Wed, Jan 22 & 23

HOW TO BUY & SELL ONLINE ~ LSC 101-121, 1pm-4:50pm, Tues & Thurs, Jan 22 & 24

INTRO TO iPAD'S ~ LSC041-121, 8:30am-12:20pm - Wed, Jan 16 & 23 - Taught by Cassaundra Pham, Classroom #504  Bring your "iPad" with you

INTRO TO MAC BOOKS ~ LSC042-121, 1pm-4:50pm - Wed, Jan 16 & 23 - Taught by Cassaundra Pham, Classroom #504 Bring your "MacBook" with you

INTRO TO iPHONE ~ LSC040-121, 8:30am-12:20pm - Saturday, Jan 26 - Taught by Cassaundra Pham, Classroom #504 Bring your "iPhone" with you